News ID: 4535
Publish Date : 09 February 2023 - 10:06

Happy ending for selling cars in commodity market

The manner of supply and pricing of cars has caused tension between the competition council and car manufacturers for a few days, which seems that with yesterday's decision of the Consolidation Commission to sell cars on the stock market in 1402, the transparent supply of cars will finally continue.
Khodrocar - after each of the car manufacturers reacted in some way to the Competition Council's decision to sell cars through the integrated car system and stop selling cars in the stock market, the consolidation commission of the budget bill 1402 from selling cars in the commodity exchange in the year The future has announced.

In the past few days, the Competition Council has made an irrational decision while disrupting the car market again, leading to the loss of car shareholders.

Mohammadreza Pourabrahimi, Chairman of the Economic Commission of the Parliament, recently considered the instructions of the Competition Council to be contrary to the President's policies and emphasized that this resolution will cause a crisis in the automobile industry, therefore, we have expressed our concerns in this regard to the heads of the powers and if this Council If he does not reconsider his decision, we will start the necessary measures to amend the law related to the Competition Council.

He stressed that if necessary, the Economic Commission will amend the law related to the Competition Council and soon we will decide on this issue in the parliament whether the legislator's goal was to destroy the transparency and competitive approach of the market in the name of the Competition Council. or not

He added: With what logic are transactions in a transparent market led to a lottery, while it must be emphasized that the lottery is not compatible with any of the bases of economic science and the market, and we should not return to this method again.

On the other hand, Mahdi Taghiani, a member of the parliament's supervisory committee in the competition council, emphasized the strong opposition of the representatives to the council's recent resolution and announced that we do not accept this resolution and we believe that these grounds are not correct.

He had said that the Competition Council has left the supply of cars to the lottery in this resolution, while we do not consider the lottery to be a fairer method than the commodity exchange.

The objections continued to the point that the Bahman Group announced its opposition to this resolution by issuing a notice yesterday and emphasized that it will continue the method of selling cars on the stock market. Now, in the latest action of the consolidation commission of the 1402 budget bill, it has decided on the supply of cars by car manufacturers through the commodity exchange in 1402 and emphasized that the competition council will announce the new prices of cars by the end of April next year at the latest.

He announced that in the text of this resolution, the domestic automobile companies were required to produce their cars from the beginning of 1402, based on the production plan that is approved by the competition council in Article 58, Clause 5 of the Law on the Implementation of General Policies, Article 44 of the Constitution. Commodity exchange and according to the relevant rules, and the competition council is obliged to, according to paragraph 5, article 58 of the law on the implementation of general policies, article 44 of the constitution, by the end of April 1402 at the latest, the new price of cars based on the cost analysis of the finished price and taking into account the cost Calculate the research and development and financial costs related to the production activities approved by the auditor and update them again in the intervals of three months.

Taghiani also announced that the Commodity Exchange Company is obliged to deposit 85% of the price difference discovered in the Commodity Exchange and the price approved by the Competition Council to the account of the concentration of funds of the Ministry of Interior and the Organization of Municipalities and Villages for the development of public transport within the city.